Best links of the week

by ParentCo. August 14, 2015

There's still a chunk of summer left. Promise.
Not everyone lives a life with the perfect narrative arc we see in movies or read in books. But how we arrange the plot points of our years can shape who we perceive ourselves to be. Why we shouldn't feel the need to attend every game. "These Brutally Honest Confessions From Moms Will Make You Smile" Ten snippets of hilarity from Clickhole. Childhood is life. Not preparation for life. This essay from Vox was a source of inspiration this week. Here are some great tips on road trips with kids from Toca Boca. I'm not ill-I just have kids. This week, the WYNC podcast "Note to Self" tackled the question "Should you post pictures of your kids online?" It's a conversation worth listening to. While documenting the lives of the homeless in Honolulu, photographer Diana Kim discovered her own father living on the street. What started as an art project turned into the most important work of her life.



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No, Really, Your Kids Need to Do Chores

by Mark Oliver

As a member of the household, and in the interest of building skills that they'll need for a lifetime, your kids should be doing chores. Here's the case for why.

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5 Things to Know about Baby’s First Steps

by Hannah Howard

For your little one, walking means entering a whole new stage of life, where the world is their oyster. Here’s what to know as your little one learns to walk.

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7 Mess-free Ways to Teach your Child about the Environment

by Maria Dontas

If you’re a busy parent looking for easy, dirt-free ways to celebrate our Earth with your child all year long, here are 7 fun, simple ideas to try with your family.

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